Dr. Marc Bubbs interviews Dr. Drew Ramsey, MD, a psychiatrist, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, leading proponents of Nutritional Psychiatry and author of Eat To Beat Depression and Anxiety (HarperWave 2021).

Summary of the Episode
3:05 – Dr. Ramsey’s background
5:10 – How environment impacts our mood and rates of anxiety
6:45 – Inflammation and health
8:00 – Dr. Ramsey’s two key pillars of assessment: what they eat or where is their motivation?
9:40 – Focusing on ‘food categories’ rather than foods
11:30 – Low mood and anxiety in younger populations
16:50 – Work becomes our identity – especially in men
20:30 – Anxiety and low mood in midlife, what changes.
22:45 – How to ‘keep score’ with your day, demands and kids
24:00 – Is depression just a neuro-chemical imbalance
27:14 – Reversing stigma of mental health challenges in men
31:45 – Biomarkers for depression, anxiety or low mood
37:30 – Motivational interviewing and understanding clients
45:00 – Lack of sleep and low mood
46:50 – Exercise as a treatment for depression
48:50 – Supplements for low mood and anxiety

Watch the FULL EPISODE and SHORT CLIPS on YouTube >> Performance Nutrition Podcast.

Reach out to @DrBubbs on Twitter and Instagram.