In Season 4, Episode 20 Dr. Marc Bubbs interviews strength and conditioning coach Clance Laylor to talk about:

3:38 – Clance’s frame of reference for writing the book
5:24 – The value of intensity when training
8:05 – The role of Pierre Roy in supporting and mentoring Clance’s career
11:45 – Common mistakes of young athletes when lifting
16:10 – The role of Charles Poliquin in supporting and mentoring Clance’s career
18:35 – Coaching and communication style with today’s young athlete
23:10 – Setting the culture: leader-follower dynamics
26:21 – What Clance’s sees on the nutrition front in the gym
33:10 – How environment shapes the path to nutritional changes
39:10 – Clance’s background in sprinting and how its influenced his training philosophy
40:10 – Big take-home message to athletes and coaches