In this show you will learn:

How iconic female writers and directors get treated in Hollywood or shall we say Shallow-wood?

Sally Wainwright is an English television writer, producer, and director from Yorkshire. Ms. Wainwright has single-handedly revitalized British TV and won many prestigious awards.  After wide European recognition, she journeyed to Hollywood to see how Yankees would receive her and collaborate with her talent. This turned out not to be the case. What is happening to American culture?

If you are a woman and under 34 and not stick thin… watch out. You are not valued as much. In this show we discuss what to do about this!

You will also learn about the Washington State University study, published in the Building and Environment Journal, that found “surprisingly high” levels of pollutants including formaldehyde and mercury detected inside energy efficient modern homes, with harmful pollutants spiking at certain times of the day as temperatures rose.

Indoor air pollution used to be thought to be static. With California’s CARB2 regulatory actions, we thought we were safer. But air tight homes are becoming air tight boxes filled with cancer-causing substances.

In this show you will also discover steps to shop for healthier materials or protect yourself from potentially  harmful materials already filling your air.

People think of air pollution as an outdoor problem, but home is where much of our pollution is. This is bad news. But the good news is, it’s your home and you can do many protective things about it.

You will also learn:

About alternative home care. Pyrethroids, the chrysanthemum bug scam. And more!