What is autoimmune disease? How and why to test for it? What many doctors don't know about it and how that might be leaving you in a place where you are not healing. How to have hope and really get well at last. The old paradigm of a drug for an issue, a nutrient for an issue or a detox for an issue is gone. There is a long list you must check off to really get well in this very toxic world where in the last 46 years we have lost over 57% of our wildlife. It is much harder to be healthy today no matter what you do.  Learn how to turn that around in this talk with this cutting-edge doctor, Dr. Tom O'Bryan. Dr. O brought gluten awareness to the world, and now does the same with his new book (The Autoiimmune Fix) and a rivetting docu-series 'Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They're Not Telling You'. Order to own for only $47 which includes ALL interviews 85 of the Worlds Experts at https://betrayalseries.com/besthealthradio