Dr. Erica Elliott pioneer in environmental medicine. Author of Prescriptions For A Healthy House. Dr. EE started as a family practice doctor but didn't like "pill pushing" and ended up getting ill secondary to a "sick building," which changed the course of how she practices and writes about medicine. Dr. EE discusses the symptoms of toxicity from unhealthy environments and some natural answers to treat them. She describes a dramatic case of a woman who was treated as a psychiatric patient for severe major depression for years, which turned out to be a chronic gas leak in her home (she loved to cook and used the stove often). Dr. EE has a blog she invites you to read and share that deals with medical controversies. Dr. Elliott and Dr. Berkson have taught two conferences on dealing with, and conquering severe illness—in Santa Fe, and at the Omega Institute. You can read Dr. Elliott's blog (soon to be published in a book) here: http://www.musingsmemoirandmedicine.com