Synchronicity as a Gateway to Transformation

In most circles, synchronicities are defined as being in the right place and the right time. It can also mean being at the wrong place at the wrong time and having the universe give you an unplanned outcome. ON a dark and stormy night I was driving with a friend to a meeting where we were about to do some charitable work. As we stood at the stop sign waiting to cross, a drunk driver drove through his stop sign and into us, not just into over us. It caused me to be paralyzed for 6 months when my children were very young and I was selling real estate at the time.

1> What event or circumstance occurred in your life when you were in the wrong place at the wrong time?

2> Do you believe you were unjustly or unfairly treated in the circumstance?

3> Did this obstacle shake you up to respond to life differently?

4> What aspects of your life have you refused to face and now need to heal this? How can you live your life differently? What changes is the universe calling you to change?

5> Tragedy is merely illusion. When we use these illusions to open our hearts, we receive miracles.