Gateways to the Light  :

What gateways are you accessing to transform your life to one of JOY rather than one of suffering? What changes are you making to access your gateways to the light? When I have come to understand that things I judged as bad in my life were really showing up to teach me about something I had neglected to heal before. When I paid attention to that thing, it sort of left on its own, rather like a cloud on a sunny day. The calamity passed without leaving an imprint on my cells. When I tried to live in the lie of it, and passed it off as changeable, or worse yet, unimportant, this same issue came back to haunt me yet again, with ever increasing sources of trouble. My live over time invited better people and circumstances when I learned to say “NO!”  to situations rather than succumb to them.

Plato said, It is the right way of approaching or being initiated into the mysteries of love to begin with examples of beauty, physical beauty, then moral beauty, then knowledge and supreme knowledge and absolute beauty. “

Disease only know the way to make up for the lack of love in your life is to find your attention in a hospital bed.  Where there is constant interference in accomplishing your dreams and goals, you must ask yourself if you were in the right environment to attain them. Constant resistance and judgement not only slows you down, it debilitates your heart. .

For a free 20 minute consult on how we can help you at Grace Center Healing please call us in Toronto at: 647.255.8032.