A common inquiry in many online doula communities is where to find free samples to give to clients. 

While it's likely true that most people love a freebie, are they actually free? Many individuals don't consider the cost of their time in requesting, processing, storing, and handing out freebies.

Additionally, many companies that give out products for freebies are multimillion-dollar companies with marketing budgets to promote their product. But the birth professionals are not compensated for their time, recommendation, and efforts.

When considering giving out freebies to clients, it's also essential to consider the message that may be sent. Could handing out a sample of lactation tea send the message that it is necessary in order to breastfeed successfully? Or does giving out samples of nipple balm set the expectation that it is necessary?

Join us as we discuss the pros and possible cons of handing out freebies to clients.