Previous Episode: NT Characters: Pontius Pilate
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The wife of Pilate

Note: If you haven't yet listened to the podcast on Pontius Pilate, please do so now, as this will provide helpful background information so that you may better understand Claudia.What was it like to relocate because of your husband's career?What was it like to move to a distant land?What was it like to move where people didn't speak your language?

The text & Claudia's dream

Matthew 27:19: Besides, while he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent word to him, "Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I have suffered much because of him today in a dream."The dream was Thursday night / Friday morning of the Passion Week.Some early Christians said that her dream was sent by God to help her become a Christian.Others suggested that this was a scheme of Satan to thwart the crucifixion.In fact, God spoke through dreams to several other people in the course of biblical history. In particular, non-believers to whom he spoke include:Pharaoh (Genesis 40-41)Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2)Xerxes (Esther 6:1)The list is not exhaustive; the Lord spoke to many believers and non-believers alike, though it is not easy to discern whether or to what extent he still speaks to us by this means in our time.

In later legend:

Orthodox saint!4th C. Acts of Pilate -- more elaborate. She appears in the earlier 2nd C. literature also.These documents tended to paint Christianity and Rome as relating positively. That is, they may have propaganda.Could she have become a Christian? In Acts we see several upper-class women responding to the gospel, so it cannot be ruled out. Yet there is no direct evidence for this speculation.

Lessons for us

Learn from all the character of the Bible: major, minor; believer, non-believer; male, female...Be sensitive to subtle cues God may be giving us.[Repeated from Pilate lesson:] Don't ignore your wife's counsel. After all, women are often more spiritually attuned than men.If your husband is a knucklehead, do share spiritual input. Yet make it count; be strategic:The right subject.The right time.The right tone.