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The name Andreas (English Andrew) comes from the Greek word for man (aner / andros), and hence appears to mean "manly."He seems to have been more cosmopolitan (broad-minded and Greek) than the other apostles, and thus figures prominently in John's gospel, which has a more universal focus than the three Synoptic Gospels.Apocryphal writings indicate he was from the tribe of Reuben, and that his mother was Joanna, but it is not possible to assign a high degree of credibility to these late sources.From Bethsaida, also the home of Philip (John 1:44). This town has been excavated from 1987, soon afterward identified as the biblical Bethsaida.He was a simple fisherman (Matthew 4:18, Mark 1:16).Andrew was the brother of Peter.


First call of the apostles. His appointment as apostle is noted in Matthew 10:2, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:14.Mark 13:3 -- wanted to know about the destruction of Jerusalem (private talk). He seems to have had a curious and yet commonsensical mind.John 1:40-42 -- transfers from John the Baptist to Jesus.John 1:41 -- "We have found the Messiah" -- he recruits his brother Peter.John 6:8-9 -- alert, connects the boy with the fish with Jesus.John 12:20-22 -- connects Greeks who met Philip with the Lord.Acts 1:13-14 -- no surprise he is praying with the apostolic band before the day of Pentecost. Yet he is never again mentioned in Acts; the limelight is reserved for his brother Peter, and also for Paul.Preached among the Kurds (according to later tradition).



Stoned and crucified in Scythia (according to the Martyrdom of Andrew).The Scythians, mentioned in Colossians 3:11, were to the Greeks and Romans an uncivilized and barbarian people.Andrew's "relics' were discovered a few centuries later. His arm is purported to be in Scotland, of which he is the patron saint. (Viz. the St. Andrew's Cross, representing the type of cross on which he was reported to have been crucified.)For more on his execution, click here.


Lessons for us

The Lord can always use an "Andrew" -- someone who introduces others to Jesus Christ.We should be vigilant, aware of our surroundings, and the potentialities in those around us.Faith is intended to be relational, not just an individual. Andrew understood this and allowed God to use him to augment the network of relationships connected with the followers of Christ.Few of us will be in the limelight like Peter and Paul, yet still, we are to be active in our Christian ministry.Let us all serve the Lord to the very end, no matter how painful that end may be.