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So far:

We have dissected 4 God-directed commandments and 4 others-directed commandments.Today we look at the fourth of a series of 4 short commandments, bedrock principles in all stable societies.Of course we're not trying to recreate human culture at the level of a lowest common denominator.God's people are called to go far beyond the minimum: we are to be holy (Exodus 19:6; Deuteronomy 7:6).


The 9th commandmentExodus 20:16: You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.


Forensic setting (Exodus 23:1-3; see also the bogus suit against Naboth in 1 Kings 21).This is not a mere demand for technical truthfulnessThe Lord calls us to live with character (Psalm 15:1-3).He calls us to mirror his own holiness (Leviticus 11:44, 19:1).

Extension of the principle

Original contextGoing along with the jury (Exodus 23), whether on account of peer pressure, apathy, revenge, or prejudiceWe can only be certain our broader applications of biblical principles are fair when we have established the meaning of the passage through studying its original context.Other ways we hurt others through our wordsGenerating, spreading, or in any way further rumorsMuch popular-level political discourse is deeply flawed and prejudiced. Do we take part in bearing such "witness" against our fellow man?Gossip -- even if it's not incorrect or slanderous, this may harm our neighbor (Romans 13:9-11).MisrepresentationFailing to checking sourcesBroadening the principle even further:LyingTransparency in business ethicsShading the truthExcuse-making (when it's invalid or a cover-up for sin)


The commandments are not a list of minimum behaviors expected.Rather, each commandment calls us to live lives of character, reflecting God's own holiness.