Today on the DJV podcast, things are getting verrrryyyy spooky - we're talking all things Halloween, including our own superstitions, what it means if you see a teal pumpkin while trick or treating, and the candy that will do the most damage to your teeth, according to dentists. We also Celebrate The Nationals coming out on top to win the World Series in game 7, find out exactly where the fires are causing the biggest problems in California and how the Ronald Reagan library is faring against them, and Former president Obama's surprising opinion on social media and "woke" culture on Twitter. And speaking of Twitter, CEO Jack Dorsey has announced a new ban on all political advertising on the site before the 2020 election. 

 We'll explain all the details you need to know. so don't forget to tell us what stories you like best and what you want to hear more of - just find us on social media and share us with your friends on twitter @djvshow or at