On today's DJV episode, we're going straight to California to talk about the fires blazing all over the state, why the problem has gotten so much worse in the last few years and what the heck the people of California can do to hold PG&E accountable. We discuss the World Series between the Nats and the Astros before game 7, Halloween and "Mischief Night" and Dave Chapelle's big award this week. We also focus on a few big names in the news, including Rachel Maddow's take down of the head honchos at NBC over sexual misconduct problems, Joe Biden's rejection from the church over his political views, and the surprising support that Meghan Markle is getting from the British government. 

 We'll explain all the details you need to know. so don't forget to tell us what stories you like best and what you want to hear more of - just find us on social media and share us with your friends on twitter @djvshow or at facebook.com/djvshow.