This short but sweet episode of Dot.Connector.Podcast isnt' for the light hearted - this is for those that are open and ready to accept the knowledge no matter what it may be. I'm not saying that what I teach is the absolute truth, ,I'm not saying that nobody else has answers, what I am saying is that this is a small piece of the puzzle you'll need to unlocking the exit door of the construct and escaping out of the fire exit once and for all.

We've been tricked, it keeps happening. We're told to "come this way into the light" "it's pretty" "it's the correct way." Like clockwork our minds and memories are wiped, we are then recycled and tossed back into the simulation to live out more and more of our days while the powers that be and those in the know figure out this big behemoth of a machine and attempt to get it running again. They attempt to look for Earth 2.0 in the goldilocks zone without our knowledge and without our input. They don't' want to hear from us. They don't' want to take in our 2 cents.

Back in 1996 there was an STS mission that was rather famous called "The Tether Experiment" and NASA was looking to Lasso the Earth from the backside and pull it out of it's current position to somewhere else. Now why would they need to move the Earth? How can you lasso the backside of the earth without killing billions of people? In no way is that even possible? Well, unless we are inside of a huge capsule of sorts with the Earth safely on the inside and there's nothing but empty space on the backside of the Earth. Almost like a big machine.

Why is NASA always looking for that Earth 2.0 in the goldilocks zone and crying about overpopulation and global warming? It's because our ship is broken down or about ready to be. The creator of this craft was far more advanced that we were and they removed our 2 chromosomes to keep us like that. We still pay an homage to our Gods of Gold for some reason. We pull it out of the ground and we fire it from a huge gun to their position. Why can't these Gods pull us out of our troubles based from how much gold we've already paid them? Could this be the Annunaki? Does this mean they've never left? This message is included in the video you're about to watch and I invite you to study it independently. This way we can figure out if you got the same message I got or if you received something different.

That message on the back of the NASA shuttle took me to Easter Island and more information on the Moai Heads and the Rapa Nui people who (from what I can gather) were NOT responsible for carving those heads as it shows that those heads were a part of the construct and the simulation. This fake history isn't the first time the simulation has given itself some validation I'm sure. I'm almost positive we can write Great Pyramids of Giza on that list along with every other pyramid which falls along the ley lines of the Earth.

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