The newest Hen in the henhouse is something called Bason Stars which is just a fancy name for black holes. Digging deeper we learn that black holes are just fancier names for something called buckyballs, fullerene buckminster's, aka fullerene molecules. Now obviously these things are very small - they're only called these names because this is how they look -they looks like hollow molecules discovered by a mathematician by the name of Richard Buckminster Fuller aka Dick Buckyballs which is the most x-rated name I've ever heard but I'm positive after reading a few of is books sex is the last thing on his mind. Especially as a math type of guy. I don't think math guys have sex on their brain all of the time like other professions.

As I look into the heavens, no matter if it's with a telescope, a callera with a large lens, binoculars or even with just my eyes - I see these red colored, HUGE balls or outlines around any light sources we're used to seeing in the sky. Whether it's a star, a moon, a sun or a shooting star or meteorite. It doesn't' matter - as long as it's bright it will have this large reddish, see-through border around the lightsource. This is actually NOT a border. This is actually the same buckyballs, fullerene molecules, fullerene buckmeisters we discussed above.

The best way these can be described are like that of mirrorscopes - those 3D holographic projector decorations we all used to own back in the 80s and 90s and we would place around our home as a great conversation starter piece when guests would come over. They would were heavily mirrored on the inside of the object and you would place a small toy or object inside of them in order to have their reflection holographically project from the open side of their design. These mirrorscopes are EXACTLY how our sun, our moon, and our stars are setup if you ever wondered or couldn't figure it out on your own.

All you need is a lightsource like that of a laser or even a radio frequency can excite the salt layers of the ionosphere of these "target stars" in order to make them light up in the nighttime sky just the way we've always known them too. This is how simple but yet beautiful our universe truly is to understand and recreate if you ever wanted too.

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