We Just keep Raping their Minds
That's a good thing to all you old people out there
Or maybe it's a bad thing - Not sure -- I'm new to the mind-raping thing.

You can either stay up-all-night with Boogie and Boogie Man Channel or you can sleep and miss something. You don't just miss something, you miss everything. EVERYTHING. Because everything is important - it's not just one thing that sets us apart. No sir, No Maám. That's not the way it works. This show is a lot like the Matrix itself - everything is connected and dependent on one another. Like christmas string lights, one flickers out and all are dark from then on out. Maybe we could be compared to a chicken with it's head cut off. Yes, that's it - Dot Connector Podcast and Boogie Man Channel are like a chicken with it's head cut off - if you missed the head you just got the limp (but still warm) body. Now you could still do nasty things to the body but don't you want to be starred in the eyes by the chicken while you do it? Of course you do - it's an amazing thing. So make sure you don't miss anything. We'll do our part to ensure you don't miss anything but we can only lead you to the water....we can't make you drink. That's not true - I own tons of guns. I'm sure I could force you to drink pretty easy. Now DRINK!!!

This show is a doozie for your koozie and a full review of all the madness and dopeness we've been posting over the past week. I've been way out of it lately and Bexx schedule has been a pain so I haven't been doing any themed live shows over the past two weeks but that should end either tonight (Saturday Night) or tomorrow. Because I'll probably do a show on Sunday afternoon. The reason is because I usually spend my Sundays with the boys over at Globebusters in their live chat but they haven't been doing live shows lately and it's been pissing me off. I love their shows. It's a great place to hang out on Sunday afternoons. I hate to say it but they're so far behind me in research reporting that it's a great way for me to review my thoughts and my notes to ensure I didn't miss anything when I did those rounds of shows. As of late IRU had joined our channel but I haven't seen him around ever since he did. Well if anyone sees him around tell him to jump in the live chat with us tonight. I would love to see him and make him laugh.

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