Up Late Late with Your Boy Boogie
Special ED - Dot.Connector.Podcast.by.BMC
High Strangeness with a Side of Dope Sauce

Boogie Man Channel Dot.Connector.Podcast Late Night Special Addition - Up All Night w/ BMC
Here we go family - I've put together a late night special edition show that is sure to knock your socks off. This show is something I've been trying to export from my computer for the past 11 hours without much luck. My computer has been attacked by something or someone that wants me to shut up. Those who know I'm' currently on a pilgrimage for the one true source.have tried everything to stand in my way so that I wouldn't get the answers I'm giving away at lightning speed. What took flat earth channels almost 10 years to come to the conclusion that the earth was flat took me three months to find the solid proof that showed me it was NOT. The same goes with those thick-headed, globers on the short but who can't think for themselves have been stuck in their dogmatic ways with their archaic thought process which was molded over time and decided for them by the powers and the construct that are one and one.

They're babysat by themselves and NEVER step out of line as thy police one another and themselves. It's a sad thing to watch. Full grown men and women who have been governing themselves to the point of turning themselves into the police when they finally snap from the pressure of a failed existence that they allow on a daily basis to be created for them and around them. When the existence is being born too slowly their new want and need manifests it with grace and ridiculous speed. I can't believe my eyes everytime I see it come to life.

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