Our Guest:


Laura Petersen is the founder of Podtent Marketing, a company that helps mid-sized businesses with a high-touch, done-for-you service to launch a podcast and power a content marketing strategy. Her own podcast is called Copy That Pops and she is the author of the #1 Amazon Best-Selling book Copywriting for Podcasters: How to Grow Your Podcast, Brand, and Business with Compelling Copy which is available on Amazon. Now she is currently working on a course to help solopreneurs and entrepreneurs with small teams to earn the “#1 Amazon Best-Seller” title without the need for an email list or marketing budget. The course is due out by 5/19/17!



From starting off her career as a teacher to finding her love of podcasting and writing, today we have our guest Laura Petersen.


A few highlights of what you will hear:


Laura’s journey from where she started. Traveling around the world. Her first company that didn't work out, a balloon animal company. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Her career as a teacher in high school. How she started her tutoring company. How she hit Amazon Best Seller on her book. First steps to take in order to start a podcast. Starting her own company, Podtent Marketing.


Impactful Quotes from Laura:


“I love doing fun good stuff with like minded people to sum myself up.”


“I knew from then I wanted to travel around the world, start businesses, own real estate and all of this stuff.”


“We didn't get very far because every time we had a team meeting, I would be the only one who had their homework done.”


“For every single school break that there ever was, I was on the first plane out of the country the second I would get out of school.”


“I got really interested in podcasting as a listener, and then on the back end helping him.”


“We didn't put any money on marketing or advertising, so as clients just came in we would start accepting them and hiring other people to help us with the work load.”


“As you are going through the process of writing it why not start promoting it even before its live.”

Featured Quote:


“You are the average of the 5 people that you spend the most time with.”

Connect with Laura!


Copy That Pops Facebook: @LaptopLaura – facebook.com/LaptopLaura Twitter: @LaptopLaura — twitter.com/LaptopLaura Instagram: @LaptopLaura — instagram.com/LaptopLaura Snapchat: @LaptopLaura — snapchat.com/add/LaptopLaura LinkedIn: @LauraPetersen – linkedin.com/in/laurapetersen Facebook: @CopyThatPops – facebook.com/CopyThatPops Amazon Best Seller Course


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