Are you ready to begin? If not, too bad! The Dork Knights have reached the penultimate chapter of Batmonth, having withstood the trials of the 40's serials, made peace with the 60's series, relived a nostalgic classic in the form of the Burton films, and even suffered through the lowest points of the Schumacher era. Now, they face their greatest challenge yet, as The Dimwitted Duo finally make it to the climatic first two installments of a soon-to-be trilogy: Christopher Nolan's first foray into the genesis of The Batman and the blockbuster sequel, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. But are these two heralded films really the stuff of legend, or will they leave the two asking themselves 'Why So Serious?'. Plus, discover how Begins inadvertently began The Dork Knights, aswell as the discovery of the movies' Otis, the most unlikely member of The League of Shadows, the most awkward near-casting of the franchise, and who is outed as the true hero of the series. Surprisingly, it's not it's cape and cowled lead. 

And tune in for the dramatic finale this Sunday, as The Dork Knights cap off their loveletter to The Dark Knight with a special podcast review of his latest adventure, The Dark Knight Rises!

Holy Downloadables, Batman!