Even with all of the progress we’ve made in our attitudes toward mental health and therapy, many people still find it hard to admit that they need help. And often, if they do ask for help, they’ve waited far too long. 

Granted, therapy is not the only modality for emotional healing. Talking with friends, exercise, travel, and dozens of other things can help the healing process. But, only therapy is therapy. 

Most of us look long and hard for reasons to avoid therapy. But, ultimately, THINKING about starting therapy is way harder than ACTUALLY starting therapy, and it’s because of these three myths. 

1 - Something is wrong with me. (Not true.)

2 - I have failed. (Again, not true.)

3 - I have to know why I want it to start it. (No, you don’t.)

Feeling the need to suck it up, to swallow our pain, to push through the hard times on our own is not only unnecessary, it also can be quite harmful. 

If you’ve been thinking about starting therapy, don’t wait until the walls are crashing down around you. Taking that first step is easier than you think. If starting therapy seems scary and disempowering, consider this—therapy can be whatever you want it to be. 

Thank you for listening. 


For me and many others, journaling has been a life-changing practice. Sometimes you can grab a pen and any sheet of paper and the thoughts flow easily. But if you’re feeling blocked and having trouble finding the clarity you need, consider using the Treasured Journal. The Treasured Journal includes questions, prompts, and sentence stems to help you organize your thoughts and feelings. Get the journal and its companion meditation guide at the link below.

THE TREASURED JOURNAL - https://danielleireland.com/journal

Feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or experiences you want to share. I would love to hear from you! If you liked this episode, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your feedback helps me increase the value of this program and makes it easier for others to find us. 

This episode originally aired as #111 on November 7, 2022.


Website: danielleireland.com

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