Should I Stay Or Should I Go with Eileen Head on Domino Thinking with Alison Donaghey

Alison Donaghey, A cause and effect strategist, speaker, podcast host, and author, talked on Dec. 17th, with Eileen Head.

They spoke about ‘Should I Stay Or Should I Go?'

Couples hire Eileen to live a Juicier life and Get Loved The Way They Need…because…at times most couples feel trapped, powerless and unloved. I help them re-engage, re-connect, and rejuvenate their relationship…and take their love much deeper.

Singles hire me to attract the love of their life and identify their unique relationship gifts... because they can sabotage possibilities, feel insecure, and be unclear of their ideal mate. I help them identify what makes them a loving partner, avoid dating mistakes and become confident to Date Smarter.

The Bottom Line: Until YOU understand your own personality, how you feel loved…and how to be a loving partner…you will continue to struggle instead of living a juicer, happier life!

Your host, Alison Donaghey, instigates new ways of thinking. Alison creates space and strategy for people to question the status quo which leads to improvements not only in their lives but in the world.

We invite you to join us at #MyPart Hosted by Alison and rock the edge with us. We explore controversial topics that provide conversation to expand perspective. Our rock star guests and call in listeners help you to suspend your belief. Think Opposite - Proceed with Perspective.

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