Fetish Queen with Kat McLead on Domino Thinking with Alison Donaghey

Alison Donaghey, A cause and effect strategist, speaker, podcast host, and author, talked on Dec. 10th, with Kat McLead.

They spoke about 'Fetish Queen'

Kat Mclead is the creator of the Stay at Home Mom Entrepreneur: *the* proven framework for creating a highly profitable business that you love while working 2 hours a day.

She started her first multiple 6 figure business 20 years ago, and hasn’t slowed down since — not even after having kids. A fun fact: That business’s profits meant that she had way more money than her husband when they first got married, and was able to pay the entire $450,000 down payment on their home. Not that he minded!

Your host, Alison Donaghey, instigates new ways of thinking. Alison creates space and strategy for people to question the status quo which leads to improvements not only in their lives but in the world.

We invite you to join us at #MyPart Hosted by Alison and rock the edge with us. We explore controversial topics that provide conversation to expand perspective. Our rock star guests and call in listeners help you to suspend your belief. Think Opposite - Proceed with Perspective.

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