Orgasms Improve Your Business with Gaia Morrissette on Domino Thinking with Alison Donaghey

Alison Donaghey, A cause and effect strategist, speaker, podcast host, and author, talked on Nov. 26th, with Gaia Morrissette.

They spoke about ‘Orgasms Improve Your Business'

Gaia Morrissette is an renown international speaker, trainer, facilitator and coach who makes the world a happier, safer and sexier place for us all. She believes the keys to a happy, healthy, wealthy, magical and EPIC orgasmic life is ; Sexual Wellness, Embracing the human experience and releasing fear, shame , guilt and self-loathing. Gaia supports people living with more pleasure through Holistic Sexual Wellness, Trauma Recovery, and Divine Sexual and Elemental Magicks. She is a Holistic Sexual Wellness and BDSM Wellness Specialist. Her philosophy is that for true Sexual Wellness to happen you must look at these 5 aspects: Play, Sensuality, Sexuality, Exploration and Sacred. Her published book: Stop! Drop! & Wiggle! explores the first aspect which is our foundation of Happiness: PLAY. Gaia is the Founder of and Her education and training consist of, sexology, trauma recovery, life coaching, tantra training, sex coaching, and lots of practice in the areas of play, healing, and exploring.

Your host, Alison Donaghey, instigates new ways of thinking. Alison creates space and strategy for people to question the status quo which leads to improvements not only in their lives but in the world.

We invite you to join us at #MyPart Hosted by Alison and rock the edge with us. We explore controversial topics that provide conversation to expand perspective. Our rock star guests and call in listeners help you to suspend your belief. Think Opposite - Proceed with Perspective.

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