Men and Women... Same but Different with Tim Goldich on Domino Thinking with Alison Donaghey

Alison Donaghey, A cause and effect strategist, speaker, podcast host, and author, talked on Nov. 19th, with Tim Goldich.

They spoke about ‘Men and Women... Same but Different'

Tim Goldich is an author who has devoted the last twenty-five years to researching, pondering, and writing a four-book series on gender issues. The first book—Loving Men, Respecting Women: The Future of Gender Politics—was published in 2011 and is available on The second book—Love and Respect in the Past: The History of Gender Equality—is due out in 2018. He has also created a series of YouTube videos. He is also an accomplished public speaker.

Your host, Alison Donaghey, instigates new ways of thinking. Alison creates space and strategy for people to question the status quo which leads to improvements not only in their lives but in the world.

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