What if you discovered you were living with a "slave mentality," bound by outdated beliefs and societal expectations? Join Dr. Andre Pinesett as he unpacks this profound concept, inspired by Juneteenth, and guides students and pre-med individuals on how to break free from mental constraints. Drawing from Rick Rubin's insights, we explore how stepping away from traditional educational paths can foster innovative thinking and greater success. This episode is a call to recognize and exercise your freedom of thought to unlock your full potential.

Ever wondered how emotional intelligence could be the key to your success as an aspiring medical student? Dr. Pinesett dives deep into the importance of self-belief and emotional regulation. Learn how to celebrate your accomplishments without letting self-doubt hold you back. We'll also discuss how to harness emotions like anger to drive positive actions and growth, transforming challenges into opportunities for academic and personal achievement. Managing your emotions might just be the game-changer you need.

Dr. Pinesett shares his personal journey from pre-med to anesthesiologist, illustrating the power of unconventional choices and self-control. Discover the myths surrounding MCAT preparation and the detrimental impact of external pressures. Through poignant stories and practical advice, this episode empowers you to reclaim your freedom and dominate your challenges. No excuses, just dominate! Tune in and take the first step towards a more liberated and successful educational journey.

Each week, I’m bringing strategies for:

💪 Locking in that bulletproof mindset.

⏰ Cutting the nonsense and getting productive.

🧠 Studying smarter, not harder.

🩺 Streamlining your path to med school.

If you're serious about medicine, this is where you need to be!!



I went from the bottom of the premed pack to the top of Stanford Medical School. Now I empower students and premeds to exceed expectations and achieve their goals.

This is your chance to unleash your full potential and get on the fast-track to medical school.

20+ years experience teaching students how to get straight-A’s while studying less

10+ years getting premeds into the top medical schools


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