In this episode, Dr. Andre Pinesett discusses strategies for overcoming anxiety and excelling in the MCAT. He emphasizes the importance of being maximally prepared and respecting the three key factors that determine MCAT scores: fund of knowledge, study skills, and test-taking skills. Dr. Pinesett advises students to assess their fund of knowledge and determine how much time they need to effectively prepare for the MCAT. He also highlights the significance of developing strong study skills and test-taking abilities. By understanding these factors and giving themselves sufficient time, students can reduce anxiety, increase confidence, and achieve their MCAT goals.

Key Takeaways:

Be maximally prepared for the MCAT to reduce anxiety and increase confidence.Respect the three key factors that determine MCAT scores: fund of knowledge, study skills, and test-taking skills.Assess your fund of knowledge and determine how much time you need to effectively prepare for the MCAT.Develop strong study skills to learn and retain information efficiently.Improve test-taking skills by being fast and maintaining fidelity in answering questions.


"The number one way you can stop anxiety in any situation is to be maximally prepared." - Dr. Andre Pinesett"The only way to get a great MCAT score is to become a high level student." - Dr. Andre Pinesett"If you elongate your window and you recognize your tremendous capacity to become great students, we can all be superstar students." - Dr. Andre Pinesett"No matter where you are as a student, you can improve and become the master." - Dr. Andre Pinesett"If you can give me five days a week consistently for nine months, you can reach your MCAT score goal." - Dr. Andre Pinesett

Each week, I’m bringing strategies for:

💪 Locking in that bulletproof mindset.

⏰ Cutting the nonsense and getting productive.

🧠 Studying smarter, not harder.

🩺 Streamlining your path to med school.

If you're serious about medicine, this is where you need to be!!


I went from the bottom of the premed pack to the top of Stanford Medical School. Now I empower students and premeds to exceed expectations and achieve their goals.

This is your chance to unleash your full potential and get on the fast-track to medical school.

20+ years experience teaching students how to get straight-A’s while studying less

10+ years getting premeds into the top medical schools