Welcome! I'm excited to have you here for an insightful discussion on how to cope with MCAT anxiety. The MCAT is a high-stakes exam so it is easy to feel pressure, but in this video I provide strategies for overcoming MCAT anxiety, the best MCAT prep and excelling on the MCAT.

This video provides a comprehensive overview of MCAT anxiety.
Some of the topics we will discuss are:

- What is the best way to prepare for MCAT?
- How do I not stress about the MCAT?
- What are the symptoms of MCAT burnout?

I was a broke, first-generation student who had to study for the MCAT independently. I overcame the odds and scored in the 95th percentile and ultimately got into Stanford Medical School. Now I empower premeds to exceed expectations and achieve their goals.

20+ years experience teaching students how to get straight-A’s while studying less
10+ years getting premeds into the top medical schools

If you want to learn exactly how to prepare for the MCAT and get a top score, then check out my affordable, and proven MCAT COURSE: https://www.premedproductivity.com/dominate-mcat

Each week, I’m bringing strategies for:

💪 Locking in that bulletproof mindset.

⏰ Cutting the nonsense and getting productive.

🧠 Studying smarter, not harder.

🩺 Streamlining your path to med school.

If you're serious about medicine, this is where you need to be!!



I went from the bottom of the premed pack to the top of Stanford Medical School. Now I empower students and premeds to exceed expectations and achieve their goals.

This is your chance to unleash your full potential and get on the fast-track to medical school.

20+ years experience teaching students how to get straight-A’s while studying less

10+ years getting premeds into the top medical schools


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