It’s time to send Artificial Intelligence into space! Space AI in the form of Cimon or, Crew Interactive Mobile Companion, will be sent to the International Space Station to be the companion and tool of astronaut, Alexander Gerst. Cimon, will be the robot equipped with AI in space! This is just another great milestone reached by smarter people than I. I think AI will be the tipping point for faster and a more efficient way of understanding space and all of its mysteries. AI is an inevitability, let’s keep moving forward to better earth and the infinity that is space!


Some very interesting things are happening in California as scientist are recreating mini Neanderthal brains to eventually place into crab-bots. The brain is recreated using a sort of blob like tissue. The Neanderthal brain will be pitted against modern human brain to see why we emerged victorious and the Neanderthals did not. Scientist have already noted the Neanderthal brain is taking a popcorn like form. The human brain is taking a spherical shape. Which brain will come out victorious? The Neanderthal brain or the Human brain?


A Kentucky Woman has started a heated argument after she posted photos of her standing next to a giraffe she hunted and then killed. Many are debating the hunt and asking if the hunt was ethical. Are we the authority on this giraffe hunt or for the value of each living being? How do you feel about the giraffe hunt? I try my best to share my thoughts on this hot topic of the giraffe hunt and what classifies a sentient being.

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