Brazilian soccer player Neymar took a bit of a tumble after being fouled by his opponent. This is why I can’t watch soccer. The soccer players seem a little over the top when trying to game the system. Soccer is the largest sport in the world and I don’t care… but I used to play soccer and sort of enjoyed it. But watching soccer now is to tough to handle! However, enjoy your soccer games and much love to you, not the soccer player. I feel like too much love would knock a soccer player down and they would cry.


Space debris has been a growing issue. Don Kessler predicts this will only get worse as time goes on. Every time we launch into space we leave add to this debris. This will eventually bring what is known as Kessler Syndrome (Effect). This is the theory of cascading collisions that will surely become more and more prevalent in space as we begin this new time of space exploration.


Space Force might soon be a thing. This would become the 6th branch of the military. Space Force was proposed by Donald Trump a few weeks ago and it is gaining some traction. Space Force would help defend satellites from other countries and also aid in the space debris issue that we are facing.


Is eating a burrito on a train rude? In northern California an older gentleman confronted a man eating a burrito while riding a train. What are your thoughts? Let the man eat his burrito? Tell the burrito eating man to stop?


We back to the Bronx with more troubling news. A man is seen being sucker punched by another at a crosswalk in the middle of the Bronx street. After the man suffered the sucker punch a few people gathered to pick his pockets as the attackers come back to the sucker punch crime seen to take a photo of the unconscious man.


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