Blue Flu Atlanta Police Strike – Dom B Podcast 160


The Blue Flu has been coined after several Atlanta Police Officers decided to “call in sick”. The reason behind this is in some part because Garret Rolfe has been charged with Felony Murder after he shot and killed Rayshard Brooks. Rayshard Brooks was passed out at a Wendy’s drive-thru when he was approached by an Atlanta Police Officer. Brooks was very drunk and when the cops tried to cuff him, he decided to start fighting the police then stealing their stun gun. Rolfe chased after Rayshard Brooks when Brooks shot the stun gun at Rolfe’s face missing. Rolfe then returned with live ammo killing Brooks.


I am glad that Police around the US are standing up for themselves and using this Blue Flu as a way to show that Cops are needed in our society. We would quickly crumble without our fine men and women in blue. I also want to point out that Conservatives like me are too silent on these issues from fear of the mob. You cannot denounce Black Lives matter without facing some online backslash. I think BLM is a corrupt entity that is taking advantage of young ones and their emotions.


What do you think of Blue Flu? Do you support the Blue Flu? Should all Police Strike? How long will the Blue Flu last?


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Blue Flu Atlanta Police Strike – Dom B Podcast 160

Blue Flu Atlanta Police Strike – Dom B Podcast 160