Aunt Jemima Cancelled – Dom B Podcast 159


Aunt Jemima will soon be the next change. The company Pepsi Co. has decided after hearing what the Black Lives Matter movement has to say their Aunt Jemima is racist. The company decided that by years end the will not use the name or image of Aunt Jemima. A TikTok video that shows the history of Aunt Jemima went viral and this et things off in its current trajectory. I feel like this is not an issue that needs to be addressed right now and will cause some to fall of the movement because… syrup. I hope we use the same energy for what inside the bottle with Aunt Jemima, the sugar. Sugar causes many diseases or so science has us believe. So why not use the same energy seen going after a label or bottle of syrup against the sugar industry? I also bring up the fact that abortions are the number one killer of Black Americans.


Are you happy for the Aunt Jemima change? Do you care that Aunt Jemima will soon go away? Is now the time to talk of Aunt Jemima and the brands existence?


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#AuntJemima #CancelCulture #Syrup

Aunt Jemima Cancelled – Dom B Podcast 159

Aunt Jemima Cancelled – Dom B Podcast 159

Aunt Jemima Cancelled – Dom B Podcast 159