I was asked to submit a review of the Full Focus Planner after using it for 1 year. Here's what they asked and here's how I responded.

Before you started using the Full Focus Planner, what did your day look like? How did you stay organized and keep your goals and tasks on track? 

“Before I started using the Full Focus Planner my day was productive but not consistent. I would lose track of the more important tasks when those urgent items would creep into your schedule. Losing small blocks of time each day can add up to several hours of unproductive time each week.

Describe how the Full Focus Planner has increased your productivity?

“The Full Focus Planner has increased my productivity by organizing my daily big 3 tasks. Linking them to my mid and long-term goals has dramatically improved my daily workload to reflect results that I know are 3-6 months in front of me.”

If you have an example, what’s the biggest goal the Full Focus Planner has helped you achieve?

“The biggest goal the Full Focus Planner has helped me achieve has been to finish and publish my second book. I was at a “pause point” in the process and using the Full Focus Planner helped me focus on a consistent blueprint as I moved closer to a launch date.”

What’s the greatest impact the Full Focus Planner has had on your personal or professional life?

“The greatest impact the Full Focus Planner has had in my life is the daily focus it gives me. When I wake up each morning I know I have at least three things that must get done and they align with my mid and long-term goals. This keeps me moving forward with the drip process… every drop adds up to a fully completed goal.”

In one word, describe how using the planner makes you feel.

“Using the planner makes me feel in control.”

What’s your favorite part of the planner that you can’t live without?

“My favorite part of the planner is the orange and blue ribbons. Subtly knowing Michael Hyatt and Company support the Denver Broncos is something I can totally get behind.

“My favorite part of the planner is the daily process and how it works for me. I know what I’m going to get done this week and I know what I’m going to get done today.”

What would you say to someone that is considering purchasing the Full Focus Planner?

“If you’re considering purchasing the Full Focus Planner, I would tell you that…”

All planners are basically the same. (Just settle down and listen.) All have a place for important things to do each day, a place for appointments, notes and goals to conquer. I used Daytimers way back in the 90’s. Franklin/Covey and so on. I’ve bullet journaled, downloaded PDF freebies, the list goes on and on. The FFP is really no different as a paper planner. Calendars and goal pages are available in others as well. But I’m committed to the FFP for the following reasons...

1) Community.“Here’s how I use this. What do you think.” “I’ve decorated my cover. What’s yours look like.” “Maybe for the next edition you could...” “I love it because...” Users share their own tips and insights.

2) Support. Videos on best practice for every section... updated regularly. Users aren’t scratching their heads wondering what that one section was for. At least, not for long. Working the system will get most people the best results. The FFP can be used effectively with no education at all, just like any other planner. It’s so much more because of the vision and education put into process of using it.

3) Evolving.Users have been giving opinion and insight on every aspect of the FFP. Some may see this in a negative sense, but the creator/team listens, answers, explores. They tweak and ask our opinion on page updates. The FFP evolves. I know of no other printed product that is evolving due to community engagement like this one. The FFP is just like most other planners, except for the people who use it, the growth it provides the users through education regarding focus and growth, and the ears of the creator/team that allows their “baby” to grow. So, yeah, I guess I’ll sign up for another year. I may even add a personal touch to my next cover... but I refuse to use those frixion pens. I use real ink. I make mistakes. It isn’t pretty at times. I’m OK with that. I’m more focused and I’m conquering some goals.

You can grab a single copy or a yearly subscription at fullfocusplanner.com

Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of both the book and this podcast.  amzn.to/2HBZ6s8    Websites:https://DoingStuffDaily.com  https://BillMcConnell.me  Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/wmcmcconnell  Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/DoingStuffDaily  Twitter:https://twitter.com/DoingStuffDaily  Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/billmcconnell  Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+WilliamMcConnellDSD LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bill-mcconnell-5b96aa80/

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