Let's face it, life provides many disappointments.  It's not necessarily the disappointments that cause us pain, but how we handle them.  And handling them well, takes practice and work.  Learn how in this episode.  And how much energy do you put in your relationships?  Those closest to you vs those not so close?  And what kind of energy or acts of love do you show them?  Today's discussion includes becoming aware of which relationships get your energy, and what it might mean if the most important ones are getting less than they should.  And different kinds of acts of love will resonate with different people, just because you may respond to an act doesn't mean another person will.  Find out how to give the most impactful "love" to those in your life.  And always, always know that you are loved and liked for you, not what you have, not what you have accomplished, but for what is underneath and will not change by anything you achieve or don't achieve.  Packed full of nuggets, this episode is a feel good smorgasbord of enlightenment.

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