The past season of ’Tankespjärn with Helena Roth’ is a series of five meandering conversations each with five people, a total of twenty-five episodes. No agenda, no time constraints, no purpose to fulfill as such, other than showing up and responding to what shows up.

It’s been magic, and I love the diversity of these conversations. We’ve roamed the world together. Both the external world, but also, especially, the world(s) within us.

When you get really naked, then your boundaries expand. ~ Gary

This is the second of two episodes (check out episode 26 if you haven’t already) where me and my pod-conversation partners –this time around with Alison Coates and Gary Breads– reflect together on the past season in the company of Caspian Almerud, acting as the moderator. It’s an attempt to tie it all together, but also a way for me to get ready for season two.

To get to meet all of you in this nakedness and rawness and the sometimes challenging conversations, it's been really, really nice. ~Caspian

It has been. Magical even.

And. I want people who listen to know that this type of conversation is haveable. Not just for me and my wonderful friends, but also for you.

Like Mayke said towards the end of episode 26, these conversations want to go and multiply themselves. That is where you come in. Ask yourself the same question Alison asked herself here:

If I was to choose five people to have [five] conversations with, who would they be?

[…a conversation] can't get to that level of intimacy in five minutes.

Or maybe you can, once you've done the groundwork. ~ Alison

What would it take for you to take a first step towards doing your own 5 x 5 conversations (and I don’t mean you have to record them and release them into the world as a pod, even though if you did, I’d love to listen in! So if you do, please let me know, ok?)?

Here’s some tankespjärn and a challenge for you:

Are you up for the challenge to initiate 5 x 5 conversations in your own life?


Spending magical spaces of time with people you love