Having the fifth and final round of (recorded) conversations with my fellow explorers of this first season of meandering conversations, I vacillate in feelings. Elated at all I’ve learned through the process. Thrilled at getting to know these five souls better. Amazed at witnessing myself in the company of each and every one of them and how that me kind of shape shifts and stays very true to who I am, all at once. Sad at knowing the season is coming to an end. Curious as to what might become of the second season, where three of five slots have been filled so far. Reassured in the knowledge that each of these five people will remain in my life even if we won’t be recording our conversations (or perhaps we will?).

Fifth times a charm (well, no, it’s the third time, but hey, artistic freedom, right?!), and me and Frank just cannot help ourselves… so yeah. We do speak a lot about buildings and architecture. But even as we do that, during the conversation, it strikes me how our thoughts take flight into all sorts of weird and seemingly not-related topics.

Leadership and management

Have you ever given this a thought: the way an office building/work place is designed will –or at least is likely to– have an impact on what leadership issues and problems arise there. I hadn’t. Thanks to Frank, now I have.

Life-cycle management and the notion of the seven generations

When you buy a car you also get a service book telling you in no uncertain terms precisely what you need to do to ensure the car is kept in good condition. That’s possibly the most commonly know example of life-cycle management.

Roads are no different; bridges, buildings, and all things constructed, are the same. Not all of these come with a maintenance manual, even though many do. That doesn’t mean the advice is heeded unfortunately.

“There isn't a skylight that I've met that's going to last as long as an owner doesn't want to fix it.”

Not taking action and performing preventive maintenance is truly shortsighted… which brought us into the notion of the seven generations. All sorts of questions pop into my head, like When you buy something, do you consider the possible impact the manufacturing of that good has had? Or how long it will last? And what happens with it, once it’s no longer usable?

Those are only two of the many meanders we visited in this the-longest-of-them-all-conversation. There are plenty more awaiting you when you press play.

Now, there’s some tankespjärn for you!


Virginia Tech


Frank Lloyd Wright

The Exploratorium, San Francisco

Robert and Frank Oppenheimer

Björn Lomberg