Hello. It's World Mental Health Day! And a group of us have yet again got together to discuss mental health. Because it's important to discuss mental health. So kick back, grab yourself a yoghurt and listen to your friends Rory, Ivaylo and Carlyle talk about their feelings.

Two other groups also got together and you can find them here:

Beg to Differ: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/podm8s-presents-you-alright-m8-2019-its-time-to-talk/id1220199861?i=1000452960357

The North American Group: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/are-you-alright-m8-2019-edition/id1305590431?i=1000452968971

Also, we have a fundraising campaign on the go for SANE. Whatever you can spare can really do a lot of good for a great charity that support those affected by mental health issues.


For more details about World Mental Health day: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/world-mental-health-day


If you want to hear more from Ivaylo you should listen to Voices from Behind.

And if you want to hear more from Carlyle, just download a podcast. Chances are it will be one of his. Seriously though, check out Dungens and Dragnos; Content! Presumably. and A Podcast for Everyone.
