we did a quick IG story of the dog we are using for our Green to Graduate 2 live 10-day workshop and asked what would the dog normally do, he saw it and wrote back. We have made incredible progress in a very short amount of time, there is no reason your dog can't as well you don't need to hire a dog trainer.

Join Jeff LIVE for Q&A on Facebook and YouTube. We are on 6-7pm EST on Wednesday and Friday for WWJD Dog Training Q&A. Our single-topic show is on five days a week, Mon-Friday 8AM EST.*********FOLLOW ME**********- Visit our online academy for online courses: https://solidk9academy.com- Follow Jeff: https://linktr.ee/solidk9training- Facebook: Solid K9 Training- Youtube: SolidK9Training- Twitch: solidk9training- Patreon: Solid K9 Training- Instagram @SolidK9Training