so many folks are seeing happy go luck dogs, playful dogs, friendly dogs without even realizing there are so many dogs that are the polar opposite, we live in that world and that is why our content is what it is, the philosophy is what it is (even though much of our philosophy is great for all dogs) so many folks just don't understand out world, that is one of the reasons for the negativity to how we train.

Join Jeff LIVE for Q&A on Facebook and YouTube. We are on 6-7pm EST on Wednesday and Friday for WWJD Dog Training Q&A. Our single-topic show is on five days a week, Mon-Friday 8AM EST.*********FOLLOW ME**********- Visit our online academy for online courses: Follow Jeff: Facebook: Solid K9 Training- Youtube: SolidK9Training- Twitch: solidk9training- Patreon: Solid K9 Training- Instagram @SolidK9Training