Once a company wins a bid on classified work, they will then prepare their organization to perform classified work according to the contract. Some great planning resources are the DD Form 254, Statement of Work, and Security Classification Guide. This podcast teaches how to use the references to set up your program.

As part of a classified contract, Cleared Defense Contractors (CDC) may receive  or transmit classified information. Part of the receipt task is the critical inspection of the package throughout the unwrapping process. The inspector is searching for evidence of tampering or to otherwise to inspect that there has been no compromise of classified material since leaving the sender’s organization.

Once all the checks and verifications are complete, the receiver can then sign a copy of the receipt and return to the sender, thus closing the loop on the sender’s accounting responsibilities. The copies of receipts are filed away and the classified information is put into a database and the items are stored according to the classification.

Those wrapping classified information should only do so after receiving extensive training on the classification system.

The National Industrial Security Program charges cleared contractors with protecting classified information. This protection extends through all phases of contracts and throughout the duration of the classification. Protection also includes the reception, storage, dissemination, and destruction of the information.

Dissemination is a critical part of protecting classified information as the classified information leaves the control of the cleared organization. Whether couriered, mailed, or otherwise delivered, it is removed from a cleared facility and must be prepared in a way to protect the information from unauthorized disclosure.

Prior to sending out classified information the FSO should ensure that it is double wrapped with opaque paper to preclude casual observation of the classification markings and contents.

Always store and protect classified information properly. The information provided below can prove helpful as a checklist for transmitting classified information:

Links mentioned.

Youtube Video

DoD Security Clearances and Contracts Guidebook

Insider's Guide to Security Clearances

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FSO Consulting:

We provide facility security clearance, personnel security clearance, FSO consulting and NISPOM consulting.

Personnel Security Clearances

How to get a clearance What to expect once you get a clearance What you can do to prepare for a clearance

Facility Security Clearance

✓Become a CDC Contractor

✓Determine security requirements for SECRET, TOP SECRET and SCI Clearances

✓Establish a security team to protect classified information

✓Develop and provide required security training

✓Prepare for government inspections

✓Interpret Contract specifications

✓Fight Insider threat

✓Learn Security clearance levels

✓Process Classified information

✓Prepare Derivative Classification

✓Provide required Security Training

✓Appointing a Facility Security Officer

✓Prepare for Government Audits

Security Clearance and NISPOM consulting