Episode 119 of the Doctor Who: Alhambra Podcast, featuring Brett, Liam, Humphrey, and Legeon.

In this podcast we:

Introduction (00:00:00) Series 11 reflection (00:03:54) War Master Box Set (00:13:44)  "I don't like the mastering...but please look past the special effects" talk (00:16:39)  Canon talk from previous podcast, referencing previous podcasts (00:20:45)  Podcast 100 & Katerina talk (00:30:53)  Main Range release Black Thursday and the other one (00:37:12) Sorchies and forcing one another to listen/watch things that are the absolute worst...stay tuned as this could be something we are doing for patreon. (00:42:16) Proposing the idea for Ryan doing a Dodo (00:48:02) Extra noises (00:49:17) Ravenous 3 & UNIT: INCURSION...the sound of us actually reviewing something! (00:51:21) Primords & John Dorney & Canon...OH MY! (00:56:53) Further Odd moments from the podcast, including Humphrey's Dalek Voice, LINDA Volume 1, (01:05:25)  Big Finish Fan Page/Juliet Landore controversy (01:12:13) Primords & John Dorney & Canon...OH MY! (00:56:53) Further Odd moments from the podcast, including Humphrey's Dalek Voice, LINDA Volume 1, (01:05:25)  Big Finish Fan Page/Juliet Landore controversy (01:12:13) Ian Levine, My Wife, Big Finish curing cancer, and Liam predicting the future (01:23:50)  Humphrey loses it and Copyright and Contact (01:29:35)

*** We are looking to add a "Mail Section" or "Listener Response Talk" to our show, where you, the listener pose questions about one of our thoughts, revisit previous takes, or perhaps you have an original take that you would like to share...whatever it is, we'd love to hear it!  

Email the show at: [email protected] 

Send the show a message or a DM on Twitter to either Brett @Mavic_Chen or The Show @AlhambraPodcast.  You can also Tweet the other hosts: Liam @djNezumi and Humphrey:@HumphGPC

Visit our website: AlhambraPodcast.weebly.com