Episode 118 of the Doctor Who: Alhambra Podcast focuses first on the release of Mission to the Unknown, with thoughts on it as well as further recasting projects done by Liam, Humphrey, and Brett.

The Interview with Toby Hadoke featuring Jeremy Young can be found on Fantom Publishing - Who Talk - Day of the Armageddon https://www.fantompublishing.co.uk/product/the-day-of-armageddon/

Followed by my thoughts on the recreation of Mission to the Unknown as well as the story in general.

Watch the full recreation of the missing 1965 episode Mission to the Unknown by the University of Central Lancashire on the Doctor Who YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/NW8yk-m5Ig8

Email the show at: [email protected] 

Send the show a message or a DM on Twitter to either Brett @Mavic_Chen or The Show @AlhambraPodcast.  You can also Tweet the other hosts: Liam @djNezumi and Humphrey:@HumphGPC

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