Jacquelyn Fletcher Johnson is the founder & creator of Heartwood Healing, podcaster, award-winning author (14 books!!), speaker and coach PLUS a great friend of mine. Join us today as we talk about our favorites books and Jacquelyn’s work.

Hang with Jacquelyn Fletcher on her podcast, The Heartwood Treehouse

If you are interested in the Heartwook Self-Mastery Program Digital Course, please use THIS LINK

Jacquelyn’s Favorite Books:
”Self-Compassion: The proven power of being kind to yourself” by Kristin Neff, PhD
"Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience” by Sharon Salzberg
”Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness” also by Sharon Salzberg
Samaria Series by Sharon Shinn
”The Sparrow” by Mary Doria Russell
”Children of God” by Mary Doria Russell (2nd book)
”Evidence of V: A Novel in Fragments, Facts, and Fictions” by Shelia O’Conner

Errin’s Favorite Books:
”You are a Badass” by Jen Sincero
”Throne of Glass” by Sarah Maas
“Alanna, The First Adventure: Song of the Lioness, Book 1” by Tamora Pierce
”The Hero and the Crown” by Robin McKinley
”Arrows of the Queen” by Mercedes Lackey (series is Valdemar: Heralds of Valdemar #1)

Book a Call with Errin HERE

Jacquelyn Fletcher Johnson is the founder & creator of Heartwood Healing, podcaster, award-winning author (14 books!!), speaker and coach PLUS a great friend of mine. Join us today as we talk about our favorites books and Jacquelyn’s work.

Hang with Jacquelyn Fletcher on her podcast, The Heartwood Treehouse

If you are interested in the Heartwook Self-Mastery Program Digital Course, please use THIS LINK

Jacquelyn’s Favorite Books: ”Self-Compassion: The proven power of being kind to yourself” by Kristin Neff, PhD "Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience” by Sharon Salzberg ”Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness” also by Sharon Salzberg Samaria Series by Sharon Shinn ”The Sparrow” by Mary Doria Russell ”Children of God” by Mary Doria Russell (2nd book) ”Evidence of V: A Novel in Fragments, Facts, and Fictions” by Shelia O’Conner

Errin’s Favorite Books: ”You are a Badass” by Jen Sincero ”Throne of Glass” by Sarah Maas “Alanna, The First Adventure: Song of the Lioness, Book 1” by Tamora Pierce ”The Hero and the Crown” by Robin McKinley ”Arrows of the Queen” by Mercedes Lackey (series is Valdemar: Heralds of Valdemar #1)

Book a Call with Errin HERE