In this episode, we discuss:

What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)? 1:40
What causes PCOS? 3:02
What causes the actual cysts that develop on the ovaries? 4:41
What symptoms are caused by high levels of androgens? 5:38
What other conditions are associated with PCOS? 6:18
Why do I need blood work? 7:31
Is there any problem with having irregular periods? 8:07
Do diet and exercise actually help with my symptoms? 8:37
What should my exercise goals be? 10:09
How does the birth control pill work to treat PCOS? 10:53
What other medications are used for PCOS? 11:46
Does PCOS affect my ability to have kids? 12:44
How can I increase my chances of having a baby? 12:59
What resources do you recommend for more information? 13:58

Young Women's Health:
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists:

Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @TheDrDictionary

Peer reviewed by Dr. Eva Knifed, family physician at Discovery Family Health Clinic in Toronto, Canada 
Original music by Nicholas and John Bragagnolo

This podcast isnt meant to be a replacement for a traditional doctor’s appointment, nor is it meant to be providing medical advice. Rather, it is meant to supplement your doctor’s visit and explain why your doctor asked what they asked, and help explain the diagnosis and common treatment plans.

Doctors often have very different styles and approaches to a patient and their diagnosis. If we discuss a question or treatment plan that your doctor didnt mention, that doesn’t mean that they are a bad doctor. This could represent a difference in practice style, or the fact that your doctor knows you better than we do, and has created a treatment plan that better fits your lifestyle. 

In case of emergency, please go to your local emergency department.