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Leigh-Chantelle lives mostly in sunny Brisbane, Australia and runs the online vegan community, the not-for-profit environmental awareness Green Earth Group as well as coordinates Social Media Marketing. Leigh-Chantelle believes in the rights of all beings, networking, surrounding herself with people on the same life path as her and she is a bit obsessed with quinoa.

Leigh-Chantelle is an accredited Naturopath, Nutritionist and Western Herbalist who combines her passion for vegan health along with her natural therapies and healing skills. Leigh-Chantelle has released three Viva la Vegan! recipe calendars, a plant-based Detox Diet online e-book, re-released her recipe calendars as recycled recipe cards; and is writing and compiling books for future release.

Over the past 14 years since Leigh-Chantelle has been an eco-feminist vegan she has been involved as a sponsor, performer, emcee, speaker and stallholder for various animal rights, vegan and cruelty-free fundraisers, organisations, festivals and events throughout Australia and internationally.