Voice-based social media networks, podcasts, and audio-only platforms have been on the rise within the past 6 months and beyond. So should you focus your content strategy on that medium? We've seen how easily an exclusive app like clubhouse can fall to bullying, extremists, and abuse of all kinds, so is it even worth it? Editor Zoë helps you wade through the change in the landscape, and "tells you" what things you need to consider before jumping head first into this expanding medium.
Editor Zoë is taking the reigns today because my voice is a bit horse 🐴🤢🤧
Mentioned Videos & Episodes:🤩 January Video News Update: https://youtu.be/wMJeYxvMUaE
0:20 Welcome0:50 What is World Read Aloud Day1:40 Read your script aloud before performing on camera - thank me later1:55 Why I use tools to help me read2:15 How Editor Zoë works, and why would text to speech tools be useful4:25 60% of any video is AUDIO5:20 Voice-based apps are on the rise7:20 #SponsorSpot8:00 Headline making voice apps8:25 What is Clubhouse app?10:10 The focus on live/blink and you use miss its content is related to STORIES10:40 Craving for behind the scenes content12:10 Just focusing on audio doesn't automatically make things easier13:20 What is Twitter Space?14:40 Problems with voice-based social media apps15:50 Moderation is hard when AI and algorithms cannot help16:30 Exclusivity issue: Who is famous enough to speak and be heard18:35 TL;DW19:10 What's Next
My text to speech apps:😉 Desktop: Natural Reader: https://www.naturalreaders.com/😉 Mobile: (in-built on Android devices) Select to Speak😉 Mobile: Speech Central: https://labsii.com/products/speech-central/
Inspirational Sources:🤓 The future of social networks might be audio by Tanya Basu of Technology Review: .https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/01/25/1016723/the-future-of-social-networks-might-be-audio-clubhouse-twitter-spaces/🤓 Here’s what you need to know about Clubhouse, the invite-only social app by Tim Marcin of Mashable Australia: https://mashable.com/article/what-is-clubhouse-app/🤓 Cappuccino.fm: https://capp.fm/🤓 Clubhouse: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/
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