Entrepreneurial Spirit is a term used a lot in business motivation circles and hustle culture. The "spirit to keep thriving" as a speaker once put it. But I argue that the "Entrepreneurial Spirit" can be found in anyone regardless of them being an entrepreneur or not. So let's use the term "Enthusiastic Restlessness" when talking about someone's drive to achieve goals, to keep going at it and to ultimately serve their community. This restlessness is an IMPORTANT driver for personal brand building because "Your personal brand needs to be created by you, to be built by you, to be maintained by you, until you have a team to delegate to." - Zoƫ Wood 2021
0:10 Introduction0:41 What we will cover in this episode1:15 What is Enthusiastic Restlessness2:30 Enthusiastic Restlessness vs Entrepreneurial Spirit3:40 When Enthusiastic Restlessness fails4:30 Why your personal brand needs you to be Enthusiastic Restless5:25 Track A: Entrepreneur5:45 Track B: Company Career7:35 Why build a personal brand8:45 sponsorspot9:40 Personal brands is about building assets12:25 Examples of successful personal brands14:20 Having a "esk" to your personal brand16:20 TL;DW
Inspirational Sources:18 effective personal branding examples done right by Jeff Cardello: https://webflow.com/blog/personal-branding-example
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