What is detoxification and the aim of such? Certainly a literal definition can be found defining it as the physiological or medical removal of toxic substances from a living organism which is mainly carried out by the liver. There are many other literal definitions, however, in this episode I offer a bigger view, a broader picture of detoxificaiton which aims to detoxify and purify your Soul at the highest level and your bodily cells at the lowest levels.

Yet as you mobilize, neutralize and eliminate toxins from your body systems and going deeper into your cells, then you eventually start to detoxify and purify your Soul. This allows you the opportunity to live from your True Heart, Authentic Self and come closer to Self Actualization in this life time. Yet your Soul must direct you to purify and detoxify your body by taking great care of your body temple. Therefore. Soul or Spirit through your mind heals your body, and Spirit through your body heals your mind. Spirit or Soul is the common denominator in both cases leading me back to the detoxificaiton and purification of your Soul is the beginning and end point.

To Detoxify In Soul, Mind and Body is also to Purify in Soul, Mind and Body.

To become a good Soul, a great human being in character is a great legacy to leave this world to carry the torch of love to the next generations.

If you have questions or comments please shoot me an email. Go to my contact page on my website at this link. https://www.danhegerich.com/contact-dan

Also here is an aticle for a more specific description of the liver detoxification pathways. https://detoxandprosper.com/detox-your-body-/info/detox-pathways/

Quote in the beginning of the podcast

"Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch you character, for it becomes your destiny."

Quote accredited to Frank Outlaw - Late President of Bi-Lo Stores

"If you bring forth what is inside of you, what is inside of you will save you. If you don't bring forth what is inside of you, what is inside of you will destory you."

Gospel of Thomas

I am Dan Hegerich, and it is my desire to help you become healthier, wealthier and more loving today than you were yesterday.
