Today we are talking careers with Shelly Stotzer, owner of Crosworks Career and Talent Strategists. We reached out to Shelly to find out how the landscape of career search and interviews are changing in this new virtual landscape. Shelly has more than 20 years of executive leadership and coaching experience. Her expertise across business disciplines gives her a deep knowledge of the working work and a unique perspective. 

00:08 The Intro: Shelly Stotzer

02:02 What has changed in interviewing in a virtual world?

04:14: What are new techniques to prepare fir a virtual interview?

06:01: Other things to think about about as you prepare for a virtual interview?

07:39: What about the interviewer?

09:30: More things to consider for a successful virtual interview

10:38: What's your hope for the future?

14:25: Prepare to know yourself: How to begin the process

18:49: Does being scared, or fearful, change how you look for a job?

23:40: The Wrap