Anne Blum is a 20-year instructional designer who has at least a decade of experience in designing virtual classes. In this episode she explains the foundations of how teachers (of all levels) need to rethink their lessons, timing student engagement strategies as they transition from live to virtual teaching. She is interviewed by Do Tell Virtually co-host Ruth Milligan.

00:09 – Chapter 1: Welcome Ann

01:22 - Chapter 2: Defining a modality

03:36 – Chapter 3: How do people process knowledge virtually?

06:26 – Chapter 4: Three concepts to incorporate into virtual learning.

07:54 – Chapter 5: Attention spans in virtual setting

09:43 – Chapter 6: Being Concise

11:30 – Chapter 7: Think about Laddering

13:30 – Chapter 8: WIIFM

14:03 – Chapter 9: Bad Learning Design: Don’t boil the ocean

14:59 – Chapter 10: The Wrap