Hey Everybody - Valerie has very kindly given my listeners special access to the following classes, with a discount code for $200 off!

Check them out and don't delay - they take place/start on the 15th & 16th of December!!

For the NASDAQ event on the 15th of November. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/top-10-tips-creativity-brand-innovation-for-big-impact-in-2021-tickets-129751338747?aff=VC The workshop is the 2nd hour.
ReclaimedBrain’s COVID resiliency 5-week class starts on 12/16. There’s $200 off with the code word COVID19. https://reclaimedbrain.com/?product=5-weeks-workshop\

Want to manifest money now? Play the 'Money Game' to harness the power of micro-shifting to attract abundance immediately. Get your Ebook for $1. Buy NOW.

Do you want inevitable & sustainable financial abundance, based on your own unique 'Money DNA'? Watch our brand new webinar

Interested in working with Dan 1-2-1? In collaboration with other highly successful experts, he will help you reach financial freedom in 6 months or less: Apply Here